Friday, March 23, 2012

Snow in Rome

During the week of Feb. 5th, for the first time in almost 27 years, Rome was coated in a layer of snow. The irony of this was that it happened twice in the same winter. Even more ironic is the fact that it happened to be while I was there! The first time it snowed was during the weekend I spent in Switzerland, with most of Europe was plunged into a deep freeze. I only witnessed the aftermath of the first storm. Later that week however, I was able to witness the beauty of snow in Rome!

Slightly melted aftermath of the first storm,
looking across the Markets of Trajan in the Roman Forum

More of the snow from the first storm evident on top of the Pantheon

Second storm!! As seen from the courtyard of our apartment

We were some of the few who dared to venture out!

The Trevi Fountain with snowball decoration!

The Tiber River was barely visible through the snow!

National Monument to Victor Emmanuel (AKA the white birthday cake)
covered in even more white frosting

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