Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Ostia Antica

On January 27, our class took a day trip to the ruins of the ancient port of Rome, which is called Ostia Antica. Located at the mouth of the Tiber River, goods used to be transported to this port and then taken up to Rome via the Tiber. Today, however, the ancient ruins are no longer located on the coast. The continual deposit of sediment from the river has moved the coastline out. Therefore, the once grand port of Ostia is now well preserved Roman ruins.
View across merchant shops 

Unlike Rome, whose structural bricks were often covered
in other materials the buildings in Ostia were meant to be brick faced.
The masonry throughout the town was amazing! 

Amphitheater in Ostia, the acoustics from the stage were amazing!

Detail of molding along the stage 
Mosaics were often used as billboards to advertise what each shop offered.

Ancient apartment building

Ancient Bar and Restaurant

View from the top floor of the apartment complex 
Ancient toilets
(water flowing in a trench beneath the toilet carried everything away)

These tubes were located in the walls of one of the rooms in the baths.
The allowed hot air and steam from a furnace beneath the floor to pass through.
This allowed wall to give off radiant heated! 

The forum at Ostia

Another one of the detailed mosaic floor,
this one located near the fitness room in one of the baths

A Medieval fortress located near the ancient city of Ostia

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