Monday, March 26, 2012

Deutschland Day 1: Neuschwanstein

February 16th through the 19th we spent in Munich, Germany. We enjoyed a day trip to Fussen to visit the famous Neuschwanstein Castle on Friday, and then toured the city of Munich on Saturday, and visited the former concentration camp of Dachau on Sunday. The pictures seem to illustrate the trip best, so enjoy!
Hiking through the small town of Hohenschwangau,
 just outside of Fussen on our way to Neuschwanstein Castle

Hohenschwangau Castle,
built by King Maximilian II, father of King Ludwig II,

King Ludwig II grew up here,
and eventually built his castle, Neuschwanstein nearby

Still climbing

And climbing


Construction began in 1869 and continued
until 1886 when construction ended due to the King's death.
The upkeep is difficult and constant which is why
the entire one facade is covered in scaffolding.

Me in front of Neuschwanstein

The Gate House

Inside the Gates

Unfortunately, they don't allow pictures to be taken inside,
but I did manage to sneak a few pictures.

The ceiling of the thrown room, which is entirely mosaics

The royal bed

Ceiling detail

Main yard courtyard inside the castle

Music Hall

The group outside the castle!

The Castles are tucked into the Alps, Neuschwanstein is left and Hohenschwangau on the right 

When we got back we walked around Munich.
Here is the Glockenspiel at Night!

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