Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day Two

Its Sunday, so I got up early to go to church with a group of fellow architecture students. We attended mass at Basilica di Santa Maria in Trastevere, which is one of the oldest churches in Rome, and is considered the first in Rome to openly celebrate mass. Surprisingly mass was very informal, with no real entrance hynm, no alter servers, and people coming in and out of the church openly. Perhaps the most surprising part, however, was the it became a free-for-all at communion. There was no order, people simply jumped out of their pews and crouded towards the front. This surprised me, because I was expecting it to be extremely strict and orderly. However, I went back later to take pictures of the church and found a completely different situation, as the mass that was being celebrated in the evening seemed to have a more serious air about it. So perhaps it was simply the mass that we attended.
After mass, we went down to the local flea-market, which is held every Sunday. It was packed with street vendors and interested buyers. Finding the streets almost too crowded for our comfort, we headed back home to grab a quick lunch. I'm definately going to loose weight during this simply because going to the grocery store is so stressful. All I wanted for lunch was a peanut butter sandwich!! I instead settled for a yogurt.
After lunch, a group of us decided to do some more site seeing. My favorite part about this city is that you can head out in really no particular direction, and end up in ancient ruins. I'll let the pictures do the talking to reveal what we ran into.
Walk Along the Tiber River

Wall along Tiber River walk

One of the Neighborhoods we walked through

Awesome house in neighborhood

I love the metal work around the windows!

Circus Maximus in front with Palitine Hill in Back

Standing at the center of the Circus Maximus

Part of the wall along the Palitine Hill

Arch of Constantine

Ruins of the Forum beyond the Arch of Constantine

Arch of Constantine...again

More Roman ruins



Again with the Colosseum

Colosseum with the Arch of Constantine in background

Proof I was there!

The whole street was closed for pedestrians!

The Christmas tree is still up

Looking back at the Colosseum as we walk to the Forum

Ruins of the Roman Forum

Monumento Nazionale a Vittorio Emanuele II

Or in English: The National Monument to Victor Emmanuel II

Looking from the Monumento Nazionale to Trajan's Column

View from Monumento Nazionale toward the Vatican

I can't believe how blue the sky was!

View from Monumento Nazionale towards Colosseum

Birds Everywhere!

Piazza del Campidoglio (designed by Michelangelo)

View across the Roman Forum

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