Monday, January 16, 2012

What a Sunset!!

Today was the first day of classes. I had a lecture class in the morning and studio in the afternoon. In studio, we are working in teams of three on a design project located along the Tiber River near Castel Sant' Angelo. After picking our groups, my group decided to go and visit the site of our project. My group consists of a landscape architect student from University of Illinois, an architecture student from Carnegie Mellon, and myself. With each of us coming from different schools, and therefore different backgrounds, I am hopeful that we will be able to each bring beneficial skills to the group!
We walked to our site, grabbing a gelato for the long trek, and finished our visitation of the site around sunset. We therefore to a moment to walk around Castel Sant' Angelo and watch the sun set over the Vatican. It was truly breath taking!
Odd little car we encountered during our walk

Castel Sant' Angelo

One of the statues on the bridge leading to Castel Sant' Angelo

Sunset over the Vatican

Sunset over the Tiber

Same image, just with Rome visible!

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